Home Legal 10 Notorious States With A Bad Medicare System

10 Notorious States With A Bad Medicare System

5 min read

Vacation can always be a fun and joyous experience. The United States offers a plethora of states to choose from and it can be a tough task picking a location to travel to. America, unlike Canada, has a very different healthcare system and it can prove invaluable to your stay or visit there if you keep these states in mind – as they don’t have the best PR when it comes to healthcare.

The last thing you want is to drag a medical malpractice lawyer Toronto agent into your traveling affairs.  So to keep you up to date and informed we have taken the liberty to compile a list of the top ten places you may want to stay clear off if you have any concerns over medical issues.

(This is not to say these states are bad but just places you may want to be wary of.)

10 Notorious States With A Bad Medicare System

# 1 – Indiana

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Indiana ranks 41st – regarding overall healthcare. And despite this state not being rural, like many other states on this list, the healthcare system is not too much to look at.

# 2 – Tennessee

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Tennesee has one of the worst in the country regarding healthcare. This state has battled health care for decades, and although the Affordable Care Act helped many thanks to the sizeable Republican base there, the state didn’t receive quite as much as they could have.

# 3 – Wyoming

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It doesn’t get as rural as Wyoming. Wyoming has no major city, and as a result, the healthcare system is by no means on par with its closest neighboring state Colorado.

# 4 – Kentucky

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Kentucky is in the same area of Tennesee that it is not one of the most financially abundant states. And although it did receive a great deal of help from the Affordable Health Care Act – due to the massive Republican base there, the state suffers because of it.

# 5 – Louisiana

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Another state in the south and this will not be the last – Louisiana ranks 45th concerning health care systems in the country.

# 6 – West Virginia

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West Virginia ranks very high in regards to how easily accessible health care is to the populace, but it ranks very low in the quality and the service of healthcare it provides its citizens.

# 7 – Alabama

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Alabama ranks in the last place concerning overall healthcare service. This state has been deemed the worse place in America for healthcare service.

# 8 – Oklahoma

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Oklahoma has seen a shot in improvement in their healthcare. Although this is good news, this state sits at 32 concerning good healthcare.

# 9 – Mississippi

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This state had seen a significant loss concerning health care coverage when the  Mississippi leaders turned down the Affordable Care Act. It wouldn’t have been a panacea for the states, but it would have helped a lot of people.

# 10 – Arkansas

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Arkansas has the worst health care system in all of America concerning coverage, accessibility, affordability and overall just the services themselves.

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