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Brain injuries can last a lifetime

5 min read
Concussions are the most common brain injury that we see in our personal injury law office. They’re known as acquired or traumatic brain injuries because they’re most often caused by a blow to the head, whiplash or severe neck rotation that causes the brain to crash into the inside of the skull that surrounds it. About 160,000 Canadians suffer brain injuries annually, and about a million of people continue to be affected by them.
Common symptoms of concussions
Concussions can be serious and require medical treatment, especially if the victim is rendered unconscious. Symptoms can vary widely, and they might not even present themselves for days, weeks or months after the brain trauma. Common concussion symptoms might include:

  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Double or blurred vision
  • Nausea
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Slurred speech

Concussion classifications
A concussion might be classified as either simple or complex. Simple concussions usually resolve within two weeks. They don’t ordinarily present any long-term brain issues unless another concussion is suffered during the recovery period. People who suffer complex concussions are at a higher risk for complications, persistent symptoms and even brain bleeding that requires surgery.

Commonly injured areas of the brain
Any part of the brain that is violently thrown against the skull can be injured, and serious to permanent damage can result. The areas of the brain that are most frequently injured are:

  • The brain stem that controls attention and short-term memory
  • The frontal lobe in association with emotion and personality
  • The temporal lobes that are significantly connected with language

The possibility of continuing care
Most concussions are caused by motor vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle and pedestrian accidents. Falls are the second leading cause, and they’re followed by medical errors. One of the most important considerations for a personal injury lawyer is to continue to keep insurance companies aware of the fact that some concussions can have permanent effects on their clients. In the most serious cases, the victim could need care for the rest of his or her life.

The personal injury law firm that you retain to represent you or a family member in any brain injury case is pivotal. You want an experienced, successful, aggressive but compassionate personal injury law firm behind your case. Don’t discuss your case with an insurance adjuster before you talk with us. The insurer will only use information obtained from you against you sometime in the future. Contact us for a free consultation and case evaluation at your earliest convenience after any diagnosed or suspected brain injury. We’re committed to obtaining maximum compensation for the medical care and financial support of brain injury victims. Visit Claim Accident if you would like to learn more.

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