Home Legal How Statutes of Limitation Can Influence Your Personal Injury Case

How Statutes of Limitation Can Influence Your Personal Injury Case

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If you have suffered a head injury in a car crash or gotten sick from eating tainted food, you may be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, it may be possible to hold whoever hurt you financially responsible for his or her negligence. However, this may only happen if you file your case before the statute of limitations expires.

What’s a Statue of Limitation?

In a personal injury case, you may be given a limited amount of time in which you can file your lawsuit. In some jurisdictions, you may have one year or less to take legal action. Depending on the circumstances in the case, you may be given a year or more from the point in which you determined that a particular event resulted in injuries or illness.

What Happens If You File Your Case After the Statue of Limitations Expires?

It can be extremely difficult to get a judge to hear your case if you waited too long to file. This is why many legal experts suggest that you contact an attorney and file your case as soon as possible. In addition to weakening your standing to sue, waiting to take action may be used against you in court or during settlement talks.

What Happens If Your Case Is Still Ongoing After the Statute of Limitations Expires?

It is important to note that you only have to file the lawsuit by the time any applicable statute of limitations expires. However, you should understand that your case may take many months or years to resolve. Therefore, you may want to make plans with creditors, medical professionals and your attorney to delay any payments until after your case has been resolved in your favor.

How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help?

Your attorney will review your case and determine the best way to proceed based on the available facts and information that you provide. Since your legal counsel will know and understand personal injury law, he or she will know how long you have to take legal action and how long it may take to file the appropriate paperwork. Therefore, you will most likely have taken legal action against the party that hurt you long before you run out of time to do so.

It is critical that you talk to a personal injury attorney as soon as you have been hurt or have fallen ill. He or she may be able to review your case to determine the likelihood that negligence played a role in your injury or illness. If the answer is most likely yes, your attorney will then work as hard as possible to win compensation in a timely manner.

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