Home Legal How To Stay Safe and Avoid a Speeding Ticket

How To Stay Safe and Avoid a Speeding Ticket

5 min read

Nobody wants to get a speeding ticket. We have enough bills to pay and speeding ticket fines can cost hundreds of dollars in fines and a trip to the local magistrate. Not to mention, a speeding ticket can cause extra points to go against your driving record. It is much easier to avoid a ticket completely than to fight traffic ticket in court. The following tips can help you stay under the local radar.

Red Means Stop

Certain vehicles are more prone to standing out than others. It isn’t just a myth that a red vehicle will attract the attention of a police officer, it’s the truth. That goes for a yellow or an orange car, as well. If you are in the market for a new car and you travel frequently, you’ll want to look for a vehicle with a toned down, neutral color. If you already own a vehicle that may attract attention, it’s important to always follow the traffic laws and keep your speed where it should be to avoid being spotted.

Watch Your Route

Pay attention to your route, especially if you drive the same one over and over again. Look for side streets, overpasses, blind corners, buildings and anywhere else that a police car or motorcycle could hide. Many officers hide behind bridge supports as there is usually plenty of room to pull off. Once you take note of the various spots a cop could hide you will remember to slow down before you come up on them during your next trip.

Pay Attention to Who is Behind You

Many drivers get so caught up watching for police officers hiding ahead of them that they don’t pay attention to the cars behind them. You may be speeding along with a cop following in your wake for miles before you realize who it is, especially at night when it is harder to make out the specific cars. Pay attention to your rear view whenever you are on the road, especially on a highway where you may tend to speed up.

Don’t Be a Reckless Driver

It’s not always speed that attracts a police officer. If you are driving aggressively or erratically, you’re more than likely to draw attention to yourself. Don’t tailgate or weave in and out of traffic just because you are in a hurry. Even if you are only going a few miles over the speed limit when you do so, a policeman may pull you over because of the way you are driving. There is nothing wrong with being a safe and courteous driver, and it can help keep your driving record clean and clear.

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