Home Legal No Secrets, 7 Things that you must tell your Personal Injury Lawyer

No Secrets, 7 Things that you must tell your Personal Injury Lawyer

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It is always crucial for you to be upfront and open with your personal injury lawyer Halifax about everything relating to the personal injury case. Doing this can prove to be the difference between you winning or losing your claim. Here are some essential information you should tell your personal injury lawyer.

  1. When and how the injury occurred

You need to inform your lawyer of how and when the injury occurred. Your lawyer also needs to be aware of the place of the incident; whether it was in a public building, at your workplace, or while on the road in your car. All details that occur during the incident may be vital toward how it can impact the outcome of your settlement.

  1. Previous injuries

You need to be aware that the personal injury lawyer opposing your case will be out digging into your previous medical background trying to build a case against your claim. For this reason, you need to be upfront and open with your attorney on matters relating to your past or even current medical injuries. Your medical report needs to contain all and any information relating to your physical, emotional, and even mental health.

You need to ensure you document and file any injuries that you have had previously and even have currently even if they are not related to the personal injuries in the case. This will help build your case especially when the defense attorney tries to use your previous injuries to defend against your current case. Your attorney needs to be aware of any forms of substance abuse problems you may have as well.

  1. Lost wages and medical bills

Your attorney needs to be aware of all the financial details that are related to your injuries for you to stand a chance of building a strong case. These should include any records of all your medical bills and even any lost wages that you may have incurred from your injury. Ensure that you can keep track of all the days you have missed work as well as incurred medical expenses.

  1. Bankruptcy

Another vital information you cannot, under any circumstance, hold from your attorney is if you have ever filed for bankruptcy. You need to ensure your attorney is in the in the loop of all your financial status. Your attorney can even help make your non-economic damages may even end up becoming an asset of your estate. .

  1. Past criminal history

You may have some previous criminal records that your personal injury attorney doesn’t know about. The thing is, it is probably best that your attorney is aware of all your past criminal records. You should expect the defense lawyers to run a background check on your criminal records and try to find if you have ever been charged with any issue that can reflect untrustworthiness like a fraud charge. Records like these will most probably diminish your chances of posing as a witness to your case. This way, they may prepare you for any questions the defense lawyers may throw your way.

  1. Recently filed for divorce

In cases where you have been divorced before, your former spouse may have some claim to the settlement that you receive. The claim can be more binding especially if the former spouse has offered you some help up to during the time you were injured. Your lawyer also needs to be aware of any divorce proceedings that you may be involved in during the moment you are filing the personal injury case; that is if you were filing for a divorce at the time. Your lawyer can also calculate the claim in your favor for emotional distress as well.

  1. Has anyone involved in the case contacted you?

Your lawyer needs to know if you have made any contact with the person who injured you or even their insurance company.

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