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Signs to Look for in Nursing Home Abuse

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It is an all too common occurrence that sometimes goes on for months, even years before families are made aware of the situation: nursing home neglect and abuse. While we struggle to understand just why someone would want to injury the elderly, it happens. When we find out it has happened to our own family member, it’s difficult, to say the least. Know that there is help, and if you find yourself with a victimized family member, you can make a claim under the personal injury law.

Types of Physical Abuse

In a nursing home, common types of physical abuse include kicking, slapping, punching and the use of excessive restraints. The withholding of medication or administration of medicine that’s otherwise prohibited also constitutes physical abuse.

This type of abuse is usually the most detectable, and some signs that this is occurring include the following:

Unexplained injuries, such as scars, bruises, and broken bones
Reports of refusal to take medication or reports of medication overdoses
Caregivers reluctance to allow a family member alone time

If the above signs have been exhibited before, it’s imperative that you contact an experienced personal injury lawyer who is experienced in nursing home abuse. You must speak up in places where your loved one cannot. Not only can your loved one possibly receive some type of compensation for their injuries, but the alleged perpetrator can also be arrested and charged with a variety of crimes.

Emotional Abuse at Nursing Homes

Emotional abuse is also common, but it’s less conspicuous. This can be defined as anything that causes fear, anxiety or anguish to another’s mental state. Emotional abuse is just as serious as physical abuse and can lead to other physical ailments.

Some common signs emotional abuse is occurring are:

Behavior by the caregiver that you deem questionable, such as the caregiver making threats.
The caregiver’s refusal to allow you or other family members to be alone with the individual.

Don’t think that emotional abuse does not count as a personal injury because it does. Document everything you remember about instances that occur so you have the information handy for your lawyer and the authorities.

If you suspect nursing home neglect and abuse, immediately contact the authorities and a personal injury attorney. Again, we cannot stress enough how imperative it is for you to reach out for legal assistance as soon as you possibly can.

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