Home Legal What to Look For in a Personal Injury Lawyer

What to Look For in a Personal Injury Lawyer

4 min read

If you think that you have a personal injury case that you can win, it is in your best interest to hire a lawyer to help you in that pursuit. As not all lawyers will be a good fit for your case, it is important that you know what to look for before you hire someone to represent you.

Will Your Lawyer Actually Represent You?

It is possible that your case will be transferred to a junior associate or a paralegal who will gather evidence and otherwise prepare for trial. While these people are trained professionals who will give their best effort, they may not understand the law like an experienced lawyer does. Therefore, be sure that he or she will actually represent you in court if that is what you want or need.

Does the Lawyer Actually Believe That You Have a Case?

If your lawyer doesn’t believe that you have a case, it is unlikely that he or she is going to provide the type of representation that you deserve. During the initial consultation, study the attorney’s body language as well as the questions he or she may ask. A relatively short meeting may also be an indication that a particular lawyer doesn’t believe that your allegations are true or that you can win your case. That is not someone you want by your side in court or during settlement talks.

Does the Lawyer Have a Track Record?

Ideally, you will hire someone who has won large settlements or jury awards in the past. While prior outcomes don’t guarantee any particular result in your case, it does mean that the potential is there to obtain maximum compensation for injuries and other damages. It also means that opposing counsel in your case is aware of how good your legal representative may be, which could lead to a large settlement offer right away instead of spending time fighting would is ultimately a futile battle.

Conversely, you may want to check an lawyer’s record to find out if he or she was ever reprimanded or found to be in violation of ethics or other rules. If so, you may want to consider someone else who is more likely to represent your interests in a legal and moral way.

If you have been hurt, a personal injury lawyer Toronto may help you obtain compensation to help pay for medical bills or other living expenses. In the event that you cannot work because of your injuries, you may be entitled to compensation for your lost earnings or other benefits.

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