Home Legal 10 Things To Keep in Mind Before Giving Deposition in A Personal Injury Case

10 Things To Keep in Mind Before Giving Deposition in A Personal Injury Case

7 min read

If you’re someone who’s new to lawyers and cases and court, then it’s natural to be nervous when you suddenly face a scenario like that. Personal Injury cases are very common these days and you never know when you might be in a situation where you are charged with or charge someone for personal injury.

A Personal Injury Deposition is a phase before trial in personal injury cases. It’s basically a phase where both parties try to gather information as much information as possible about the case. The person who’s giving testimony will be required to appear at a particular time and place and also take an oath that the information given is true.

Giving a deposition is not a big deal, but for the first time, it can cause some nervousness and stress. The following ten tips will help you relax and know better a personal injury deposition.

1. Questions And Answers

A personal injury deposition involves personal injury lawyers of the opposite party asking questions and you answering them. It doesn’t work like a conversation or a monologue where you can tell everything you know about the case in one shot and end the deposition.

2. No Judge Present

In most personal injury depositions, there are no judges present. This is both an advantage as well as a disadvantage. It’s an advantage because having a judge around can make you uncomfortable and nervous and a disadvantage because if the personal injury lawyer of the opposite party asks improper questions, the objections are only for the record and you will still be expected to answer.

3. Don’t give too much information

The moment you start talking like you’re on a roll and have been talking more than three or four long sentences, you start giving out too much information. Always say what’s necessary with a long sentence and don’t talk irrelevant stuff.

4. Be direct, accurate and aware

Be honest with your answers and give straight and direct answers to all the questions possible. Sometimes, the opposing counsel might interpret your answer in a different way and try to alter your answer and ask for your confirmation. Listen carefully and if you ever find you answer even slightly altered, take a moment to provide necessary clarifications till everyone has got the point.

5. No Opinions

A deposition is basically just to gather information about what happened. So, try to avoid giving your own opinions. There are no justifications required for your answers and remember that you are not obliged to provide any. If you do not remember something clearly, explain to the counsel that you really do not remember, instead of answering based on assumptions and opinions.

6. Dress Well

Dressing appropriately and well can make you confident and also, impress your opposing counsel better. It’s always good to prepare beforehand about what you’re going to wear and make sure it looks clean, tidy and well pressed.

7. Get It Clarified

If the personal injury lawyer Toronto ask you questions that you do not understand or feel is ambiguous, then politely let them know that you have not clearly understood the meaning. It’s completely OK to do so.

8. Take Water and Snacks along

A deposition can take quite a while and it’s always better to be prepared and carry snacks and water to take care of yourself. You can always ask your attorney if you want to go for a bathroom break or a short walk to stretch your legs without feeling shy.

9. Know Your Documents

If there are medical records or other documents and proofs involved, make sure you go through them before testifying in your deposition.

10. Most Importantly, Stay Calm

Don’t get frustrated or angry or let your emotions take control when you’re answering questions. Stay relaxed and calm and think carefully before answering.

Personal Injury Depositions are nothing to be worried or nervous about, just stay calm and answer everything honestly and justice and truth shall always prevail.

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