Home Personal Injury 5 reasons you need a personal injury lawyer

5 reasons you need a personal injury lawyer

6 min read

If you have made a personal injury claim or a lawsuit, you are likely to come across an insurance adjuster. The world of insurance can get complicated. Here are 5 reasons why you should not handle insurance companies without consulting with personal injury lawyers.

1. Insurance companies are profit driven

It is important to bear in mind that insurance companies are business entities. This means that profit is their main goal. Another aspect of insurance companies is that they derive most of their profits from investment. When you pay your premiums, this money is put to use so as to generate more profit. This explains why they are usually not willing to part with huge sums of money. They will always seek to find a way to pay the least amount possible. For instance, they may only want to part with the cost of paying the basic medical bills. They may not be willing to offer compensation for psychological injuries, mental anguish and other emotional distress damages. In some cases, they have been known to deny claims. This is why you need to engage injury lawyers when making a claim.

2. Quick settlements can hurt you in the long run

Insurance companies will offer you a quick settlement mostly for their interests and not yours. Many people make the mistake of accepting a quick settlement. When you have medical payments to pay, it may appear reasonable to accept the offer. However, you could end up shortchanging yourself. Again, you may not have the necessary skills and expertise to value your claim correctly. Consulting with personal injury lawyers gives you a better understanding of how much your claim is worth.

3. Insurance claims valuation is often understated

If you have suffered an injury, the insurance adjuster will value your claim and decide how much to offer. In most cases, their valuation is often understated. The initial quick settlement offer may omit important costs such as pain and suffering, emotional distress damages and other forms of compensation for psychological injuries. Seeking a second opinion from a lawyer will tell whether the insurance is shortchanging you. Personal injury lawyers have wide networks that include medical practitioners. In determining the value of your claim, the doctor will seek an assessment from a medical expert. This gives you an accurate figure.

4. Anything you say can be used against you

Insurance adjusters are excellent negotiators. They also record anything you say during the claims negotiations. If you make any contradictory statement they can use this to reduce the value of your claim or deny it altogether. For instance, if you say that you did not receive immediate medical attention, they can argue that your claim was not serious. It is best to let your lawyer handle the negotiations. Injury lawyers have dealt with adjusters before, and they will not be intimidated into settling for less.

5. Your chances are higher with legal representation

Historically, it has been established that people who seek legal representation stand to get more compensation than those who do not. Lawyers understand the law and case valuation. As such, an insurance adjuster may not attempt to shortchange you if you have representation. It is in your best interest to seek legal counsel. In addition to this, hiring the lawyer demonstrates that you are willing to go to court. Court cases are expensive for insurance companies, and they may give into your claim rather than drag the matter to court.

Personal injury lawyers can prove useful in securing you the compensation you deserve. To give yourself the best fighting chance, consult with a personal injury lawyer.

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